What is Parklands Home Owners Association?
- The body that controls the Development Conditions imposed on each erf and/or unit in Parklands.
What are the Development Conditions?
- The conditions set by the Developer of Parklands to control the development of Parklands.
How do I know what the Development Conditions are?
- A copy may be obtained from the PHOA Administration Office situated at 13 Walsan House, Parklands Main Road, Parklands. Or obtain on line from the webpage.
Can I paint my house any colour?
- Erven fall under different categories. E.g. Village Plots have colour restrictions. Members are advised to confirm which type of erf they own and whether there are restrictions.
Who are the Trustees of PHOA?
- They are members who all own property in Parklands voted in at each AGM.
How often do the Trustees have meetings?
- The Trustees hold monthly meetings.
I would like to erect a Wendy House. What must I do?
- i) Building plans must be submitted to PHOA and the City of Cape Town for approval irrespective of the size or positioning of the Wendy House
ii) The structure not to be used as a dwelling.
iii) The structure may not be unsightly and the roof is to be non-reflective.
iv) The structure must be screened from public view. Please bring these specifications to the attention of the company erecting the Wendy House.
Are persons living in a block of flats members of PHOA and do they have to abide by the Development Conditions (DC)?
- The OWNER of the unit in the block of flats is the member and yes they do have to abide by the DC. The onus is on the owner to ensure that any tenant or persons living therein also abides by the DC.
Is washing allowed on balconies of flats?
- All washing on balconies visible to the roadside or washing hanging out of windows is unsightly and against the Development Conditions. It is a contravention of the Sectional Title Act as well. PHOA will take legal action against the owner of the unit and the body corporate for not enforcing the rules.
What does the PHOA do with the scrutiny fee?
- Fees cover the cost of services to scrutinise the plans and administration thereof.
How many copies should be submitted to PHOA?
- 5 copies should be submitted. 4 goes to council and one are kept by PHOA.
Can we get a copy of our house plans from the PHOA?
- No all copies of plans need to be obtained from council.
Do plans need to be coloured in for P.H.O.A?
- New plans do not require to be coloured in only additions& alterations.
Can vibacrete walling be built on a street-facing boundary?
- Only a brick wall can be built on a street-facing boundary,
see development conditions.
Why do plans have to be submitted to P.H.O.A. and Council?
- P.H.O.A. check that development conditions are upheld. Council checks for standard building regulations.
What are the Levies paid to PHOA used for?
- All funds received are used to cover administration costs and expenses to run the association efficiently. Additional to this the association funds various community projects