Parklands Sports Complex

Policing of development conditions...

Here are a few examples of building condition contraventions and the clauses of the constitution that deal with them.

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Clause 2.2 of the development conditions refer to pre-cast walling and unplastered block walling. “ No precast walling or unplastered block walling shall be erected if such walling is fronting onto the street

Clause 8.4.5 of the constitution. “Not permit any commercial type vehicle, boat, caravan, trailer or any vehicle not in good working order to be parked on or in front of any ERF

Clause 8.4.5 of the constitution. “Not permit any commercial type vehicle, boat, caravan, trailer or any vehicle not in good working order to be parked on or in front of any ERF which,

Clause 8.4.3 of the constitution . "establish and maintain a garden according to an acceptable standard as well as maintaining the road verge;

Picture of the above verge after intervention by the PHOA.

Clause 8.4.6 of the constitution referring to the unsightly extension to the wall (gum poles) “not do or suffer to be done on the property anything which, in the opinion of the PHOA, is noisome, unsightly, or injurious, objectionable, or detrimental,